Are you about to become the owner/operator of a used semi truck that will frequently travel through cold climates? Do you want to boost the truck's fuel efficiency with the use of bio-diesel, but don't know much about it because you've always filled up with petro-fuel alone? If so, the following information is for you.
Bio-Diesel Gels Faster Than Petro-Diesel
Just as petro-diesel has bits of paraffin that solidify in cold temperatures, bio-diesel has bits of glycerin that do the same.
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Having your car break down while you are on vacation is never fun, but you can use the time you are are stuck on the side of the road to get some important tasks completed. These four tasks will help keep you safe, let your friends and family know you are okay, and keep your mind off of the negative experience of having a vehicle malfunction.
Secure Yourself, Your Car, and Your Belongings
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Long gone are the days when a kick of the tires and handshake sealed the deal on used cars. Consumers are incredibly savvy, with a wealth of information at their fingertips. You can make a real living or a little spending money selling used cars, but to succeed, you have to do it right. Here's important information on how you do it.
Learn What Models Are Sought After
The media obsesses over lists, making it easy for you to know what used cars are in highest demand.
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If you've recently purchased a new all-aluminum vehicle, you may not put much thought into how your vehicle differs from others on the road (except perhaps when filling up your gas tank and enjoying the increased fuel efficiency). However, if you find yourself in need of body repairs after an accident or hail storm, you may find that the process is not as simple as repairing your previous steel-bodied vehicles -- it requires special equipment and, in most cases, special shops.
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